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Theory and Applications of Markov Decision Processes and Their Perturbations



[1]  刘克,“无界报酬平均模型的MDP”, 湖南数学年刊, 5(1):81-86, 1985.

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[6]  刘建庸,刘克,“有限阶段MDP最优策略的若干问题”, 军事运筹, 2:76-85, 1988.

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[10] 刘克and Liu J.,“Vector-valued Semi-Markovian Decision Programming”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 36(13):1065-1069, July,1991.

[11] 刘迪芬,刘克,刘建庸,“半马氏决策规划 – 首达目标模型”, 中国运筹学会第三届年会会议论文集,1602-1606页, 十月 1992.

[12] Liu J. and 刘克,“Bellman's Optimal Principle in Average Cost Problem”, SEA Bull. Math., 16(1):71-80,1992.

[13] Liu J. and 刘克,“Markov Decision Programming-The First Passage Model with Denumerable State Space”, Sys. Sci. and Math. Scis., 5(4):340-351, Nov. 1992.

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[15] 刘迪芬,刘克,刘建庸,“无限时段部分可观察马尔可夫决策规划”,高校应用数学学报,8(2):208-221, 1993.

[16] 刘迪芬,刘克,刘建庸,“随机折扣部分可观察马尔可夫决策规划”, 系统科学与数学, 13(2):152-159, 1993.

[17] 刘迪芬,刘建庸,刘克,“部分可观察马尔可夫决策规划-首达目标模型”, 应用数学学报,17卷1期:44-58页, 1993.

[18] 刘克,“The Modeling of Markovian Decision Processes - Two Applications in China”, Int. J. Continuing Eng. Edu., 4:50-57,1994.

[19] Liu J. and刘克,“An Algorithm on the Gittins Index”, Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 7(2):106-114, Apr. 1994. 

[20] Liu J. and刘克,“Markov Decision Programming with Constraints”, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 10(1):1-11, Jan. 1994.

[21] Liu J. and刘克,“Note on the partially observable MDP over finite horizon(II)”, Optimization Techniques and Applications, ICOTA'95, 935-940,1995。

[22] Liu J. and刘克,“Average Reward Markov Decision Programming with a Countable Action Set”, SEA Bull. Math., 19(1):87-93,1995.

[23] Zhu W. and刘克,“Optimal Load Balancing for Multicomputer Systems”, In Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Parallel and Real-time Systems, 193-200, Sept. 1995, Perth.

[24] 刘克 and Filar, J.A.,“Weighted Markov Decision Processes with Perturbation”, In Proceedings of the 34-th Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, 2269-2276,Dec. 1995.

[25] 刘克,“Weighted Discounted Markov Decision Processes with Perturbation”, In Proceedings of First International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications, 350-359, Aug. 1995.

[26] Filar, J.A. and刘克,“Hamiltonian Cycle Problem and Singularly Perturbed Markov Decision Process”,In IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, Vol 30, 45-64,1996.

[27] Liu J. and刘克,“Markov Decision Programming-the Moment optimal problem for the first-passage model”, J. Australia Math. Soci. Ser. B: Appl. Math., 38, 542-562,1997.

[28] Xu R. and刘克,“On consistency problem of Fuzzy Judgment Matrix”, Beijing Mathematics, Vol.4 No.2, 275-277,1998.

[29] 刘克,“Weighted Discounted Markov Decision Processes with Perturbation”, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 15(2):pp183-189, Apr. 1999.

[30] 郭先平,刘建庸,刘克,“非平稳MDP平均模型及其滚动式算法”, 系统科学与数学,Vol.19(4):pp439-446, 1999.

[31] 刘克,刘建庸,《Markov决策规划》,运筹学基础手册,徐光辉主编,638-695页,科学出版社,1999.

[32] 刘保碇,刘克,《第三届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集》,中国高等教育出版社与Springer-Verlag Heidelberg出版公司1999.

[33] 刘克,严厚民,“一类单周期预,决策定货模型”, 第三届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集,编辑刘保碇等,478-481页,中国高等教育出版社与Springer-Verlag Heidelberg 出版公司1999.

[34] 许若宁,刘克,“关于Fuzzy判断矩阵一致性的讨论”, 系统科学与数学, Vol.20, No.1, p58-64, 2000.

[35] Chen M., Filar J.A. and刘克,“Semi-Infinite Markov Decision Processes”, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol.51, Iss. 1, pp115-137,2000.

[36] Guo X. and刘克,“Continuous Time Markov Decision Processes with Average Reward Criterion”, 第六届中国运筹学会会议论文集,编辑章祥荪等,795-800页,香港Global-Link出版公司, 2000.

[37] Guo X., Liu J. and刘克,“Nonhomogeneous Markov Decision Processes with Borel State Space--The Average Criterion with Nonuniformly Bounded Rewards”, Math. OR., Vol. 25, pp557-678,2000.

[38] 邓云跃,张兆新,李京安,刘克,“多态部件及多态关联系统可靠性指标的计算”,第四届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集,编辑罗小明等,396-401页,香港Global-Link出版公司2001.

[39] Jiao GM,Zhong CK and刘克,“Stochastic comparisons of minimal repair policies”, 第四届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集,编辑罗小明等,392-395页,香港Global-Link出版公司2001.

[40] 刘克,刘建庸,黎建强,“服务机构的人力资源管理”, 第四届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集,编辑罗小明等,54-59页,香港Global-Link出版公司2001.

[41] 张永民,刘克,“单阶段的退货库存模型”, 第四届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集,编辑罗小明等,21-26页,香港Global-Link出版公司2001.

[42] 罗小明,刘克,刘保碇,《第四届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集》,香港Global-Link出版公司2001.

[43] 刘克and Filar, J.A., “Weighted Markov Decision Processes with Perturbation”, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol.53, pp465-480, 2001.

[44] Jiao G., Li Z., Zhong C. and刘克,“Some results on comparison of maintenance policies", Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol.17, No.3, pp304-309,2001.

[45] Guo X. and刘克,“A note on optimality conditions for continuous-time Markov decision processes with average cost criterion”, IEEE Tran. on Auto.Control, Vol.46:1984-1989,2001.

[46] Li J., 刘克 and Lai K.K.,“An N-Period Inventory Model of Empty Containers at One Port”, In Operational Research and Its Applications, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium, ISORA'02, Edited by Zhang Xiangsun and Liu Degang,  Lecture Notes in Operations Research 4, World Publishing Company, p220-226,2002.

[47] 张强,高自友,刘克,“属性综合评价系统在城市交通规划中的应用”,系统工程理论与实践,22卷6期,113-120, 2002.

[48] Li J., 刘克and Lai K.K.,“An Infinite Horizon Inventory Model of Empty Containers at One Port”, In Proceedings of The 9th Bellman Continuum International Workshop on Uncertain Systems and Soft Computing, Series of Information & Management Sciences, Vol. 2, pp55-59, 2002.

[49] 张强,刘克,“非可加集函数的Lebesgue分解”,数学学报,45(5):899-904,2002。

[50] Lin Y., Filar J. and刘克,“Finite Horizon Portfolio Risk Models with Probability Criterion”, In 《Markov Processes and Controlled Markov Chains》, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp405-424, 2002.

[51] KK. Lai, 刘克 and Liu J.,“On dispatching unequally capable service technicians”, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Vol. 13, pp153-156,2002.

[52] Zhang Qiang and刘克,“Decompositions of Revised Monotone Signed Fuzzy Measures”,Tsinhua Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp60-64,2003.

[53] KY. Cai, YC. Li and 刘克,“How to test software for optimal software reliability assessment”, the IEEE Computer Society Press in the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2003) p32-39, 6-7 November 2003 in Dallas, Texas USA.

[54] Yan H., 刘克and Art Hsu,“Optimal Ordering in a Dual-Supplier System with Demand Forecast Updates”, Production and Operations Management, Vol.12, No.1, pp30-45, 2003.

[55] 董俊华,刘克,“马氏决策在证券管理决策中的应用”,第五届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集,编辑宋考平等,1-8页,香港Global-Link出版公司2003.

[56] 宋考平,刘克,《第五届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集》,香港Global-Link出版公司2003.

[57] Leung SC, Lai KK, Li JA and刘克,“Allocation of Empty Containers”,第一届不确定系统年会论文集,2003年8月16-19日,大庆,p117-126。

[58] 焦桂梅,刘克,“关于似然比序随机比较的一些结果”,数学物理学报,23A卷(3),p349-356,2003.

[59] 刘克, JA. Li and KK. Lai, “Single period, single product newsvendor model with random supply shock”,Eur. J. Opl. Res., Vol. 158(2004), pp609-625.

[60] 王雷震,刘克,惠兴杰,彭锦,《第六届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集》,香港Global-Link出版公司2004.

[61] 李京安,黎建强,刘克,“VMI中一类送货问题的讨论”第六届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集,编辑王雷震等,1-4页,香港Global-Link出版公司2004.

[62] 刘克,《实用马尔可夫决策过程》,清华大学出版社,2004。

[63] Li JA, 刘克, Leung, SC and Lai KK,“Empty Container Management in a Port with Long-Run Average Criterion”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 40:85-100,2004.

[64] Cai KY, Li YC and刘克,“Optimal and adaptive testing for software reliability assessment”, Information and Software Technology, 46(2004): 989-1000.

[65] Li, JA, Wu, Y, Lai, KK and 刘克,“Reliability estimation and prediction of multi-state components and coherent systems”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 88:93-98,2005.

[66] 刘克, Li, JA, Wu, Y and Lai, KK,“Analysis of monitoring and limiting of commercial cheating: a newsvendor model”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56:844-854,2005.

[67] 刘克and Filar, JA,“Weighted singularly perturbed hybrid stochastic systems”, MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 62: p41-54,2005.

[68] 刘克,穆丽颖, 黎建强,“信用评估:确定信贷发放的一种方法”第三届不确定系统年会论文集,编辑朱元国等,30-45页,香港Global-Link出版公司2005.

[69] 朱元国,刘克,《第三届不确定系统年会论文集》,香港Global-Link出版公司2005.

[70] 朱元国,刘克,《第七届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集》,香港Global-Link出版公司2005.

[71] 刘克,“Weighted Semi-Markov Decision Processes and their Perturbations”, Information, Vol.8:785-800,2005.

[72] 曾玲,刘克,《第八届中国青年运筹与管理学者大会论文集》,香港Global-Link出版公司2006.

[73] Li JA, Wu Y, Lai KK and刘克,“Optimal ordering policy in a distribution system”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 103:527-534.

[74] Cai KY, Dong Z, 刘克 and Bai CG,“A Mathematical Modeling Framework for Software Reliability Testing”, International Journal of General Systems,Volume 36, Issue 4 August 2007, pages 399 - 463.

[75] Li JA, Leung SCH, Wu Y, and刘克,“Allocation of empty containers between Multi-ports”, European J. Operational Research, 182(2007): 400-412.

[76] Yan XM, and 刘克,“Optimal Dynamic Pricing for Perishable Product”, In Proceedings of the Ninth Conference for Youth OR/MS Researchers in China, Edited by Peng Jin and Liu Ke, Global-Link Publishing Company, p407-414.

[77] 彭锦,刘克,《第九届中国青年信息与管理学者大会论文集》,香港Global-Link出版公司2007.

[78] 刘京娟,刘克,梁桂荣,基于纳什均衡的税收征管升测研究,扬州大学税务学院学报,12卷4期,20-25,2007

[79] Li JA, Wu Y, Lai KK, and刘克,“Replenishment routing problems between a single supplier and multiple retailers with direct delivery”, European J. Operational Research, 190(2008):412-420.

[80] Cai KY, Dong Z and 刘克,“Software processes as a linear dynamic system”, Information Sciences, 178(2008): 1558-1587.

[81] 高金武,刘克, 《第十届中国青年信息与管理学者大会论文集》,香港Global-Link出版公司,2008.

[82] 蔡开元,董昭,刘克,“关于软件可靠性测试的若干问题”, 工程数学学报, 25(6): 967-978,2008

[83] Xiao TT, 刘克and Lai KK, “Tax Evasion: Models with Self-Audit”,  Jrl. Syst. Sci. \& Complexity, 21(2008):479-510.

[84] 言小明,刘克, “马氏需求和随机供应下的订货和定价问题”, 系统科学与数学, 28:11(2008), 1346-1353。

[85] 刘克, 《摄动马尔可夫决策与哈密尔顿圈》,中国科学技术大学出版社,合肥,2009.

[86] Yan XM and刘克, “Optimal control problems for a new product with word-of-mouth”, Int. J. Production Economics, 119(2009): 402-414.

[87] 张明晖,刘克, “可靠性更新时供应商的选择与订货问题”,第七届中国不确定系统年会论文集,香港Global-Link出版公司,2009年,141-145。

[88] 曹平,董昭,刘克,蔡开元,“软件测试的剔除策略分析”,第十一届中国青年信息与管理学者大会论文集,香港Global-Link出版公司,2009年,147-141。

[89] Yan XM and刘克,“An inventory with two suppliers and default risk”, Operations Research Letters, 37(2009): 322-326.

[90] 卢萌,刘克,“多种产品生产系统的生产计划问题”, 系统科学与数学, 29(11)(2009): 1485-1495.

[91] Yan XM and刘克,“Analysis of Pricing Power Allocation in Supply Chains of Random Yield and Random Demand”, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 20(2009): 415-433.

[92] Wu XY, Dong Z, 刘克 and Cai KY, “On the degreesequence and its critical phenomenon of an evolving random graph process”, Journal of Applied Probability, 46(2009): 1213-1220.

[93] Yan XM and刘克, “Optimal Policies for Inventory Systems with Discretionary Sales, Random Yield and Lost Sales”, Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica, 26(2010): 41-54.

[94] Yan XM and 刘克,“Effects of Setup Cost and Random Yield on the Structure of Optimal Ordering Policy”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 27(2010): 52-60.

[95] Yan XM, Zhang MH and刘克,“A note on coordination in decentralized assembly systems with uncertain component yields”, European Journal of Operational Research, 205(2010): 469-478.

[96] Cai KY, Cao P, Dong Z and 刘克, “Mathematical modeling of software reliability testing with imperfect debugging”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59(2010): 3245-3285.

[97] Cao P, Dong Z and 刘克,“An Optimal Release Policy for Software Testing Process”, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1040A-CDR, Beijing, China, 6037-6042.

[98] 赵旭,刘克,吴威,“Multi-View 3D Reconstruction and Its Uncertain Problems”, In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Uncertainty, Edited by Ha MH et. al, Global-Link Publisher, Hong Kong, China, 231-238,2010. 

[99] 哈明虎,刘克,杨晓虎,第八届中国不确定系统年会论文集, Global-Link Publisher, Hong Kong, China,2010.

[100] 蔡开元,董昭,刘克,吴宪远,“Phase Transition on The Degree Sequence of a Random Graph Process with Vertex Copying and Deletion”, Stochastic Processes and their Application,121(2011):885-895.

[101] 蔡开元,曹靖,董昭,刘克,赵沁平,“Emergence of relativistic effect in probabilistic flooding of Mobile Ad hoc Networks”,Physica A, 390(2011):1474-1480.

[102] 徐寅峰,余海燕,刘克,唐亮亮,“Inventory Replenishment Scheduling to Minimize the Number of Vehicles”,In Proceeding of International Joint Conference of Service Sciences.

[103] 姚忠,刘克,Stephen C.H. Leung,K.K. Lai,“Single period stochastic inventory problems with ordering or returns policies”, Computers & Industrial Engineering,61:242-253.

[104] 刘文静,杨璐,刘克,“欠薪问题的数学模型”,第十三届中国青年信息与管理学者大会论文集,香港Global-Link出版公司,2011年,1-8。

[105] 刘翺,刘克,刘广,崔姗姗,“基于马尔可夫决策过程的调度问题建模”,第十三届中国青年信息与管理学者大会论文集,香港Global-Link出版公司,2011年,321-330。

[106] 言小明,曹平,张明晖,刘克,“The optimal production and sales policy for a new product with negative word-of-mouth”,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,7:117-137,2011。

[107] 曹平,范萌萌,刘克,陈建州,“卫星系统通讯路由问题的动态规划建模”,第十届中国不确定系统年会、第十四届中国青年信息与管理学者大会论文集,香港Global-Link出版公司,2012年,96-101。

[108] Ping Cao, Zhao Dong, Ke Liu, Kai-Yuan Cai, “Quantitative effects of software testing on reliability improvement in the presence of imperfect debugging”, Information Sciences, Volume 218, 1 January 2013, Pages 119-132. 2013  

[109] 李效虎,刘克,曹晋华,“寿命分布年龄性质的总结与展望”, 运筹与管理,23:1-6. (2014)

[110] Yan Xiaoming, Zhang Minghui, Liu Ke, and Wang Yong, “Optimal Ordering Policies and Sourcing Strategies with Supply Disruption”, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 10(4), pp 1147-1168, 2014

[111] Xiao Tingting,Liu Ke, and Lai Kin Keung, “Tex evasion: a two-period model”, Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(3), 2014

[112] Yan Xiaoming, Liu Ke, and Wang Yong, “Optimal pricing, production, and sales policies for new product under supply constraint", Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 27(2), pp 289-306, 2014.

[113] 刘克,曹平,《马尔可夫决策过程理论与应用》,科学出版社,北京,2015

[114] 曹平,范萌萌,刘克,“Optimal Dynamic Pricing Problem Considering Patient and Impatient Customers' Purchasing Behavior”,International Journal of Production Research, 53(22), pp 6719-6735, 2015.

[115] 刘方,刘克,谢新丽,“Monitoring and Limiting Deceptive Counterfeiting: a Two=Stage Model”,J. Operations Research Soc. China, 4, pp 265-308, 2016.

[116] 刘翱,刘克,“舰载机保障作业调度问题研究进展”,系统工程理论与实践,36卷1期,pp 1-12,2016.

[117] 刘文静,刘克,杨璐,“A dynamic programming model for effect of worker’s type on wage arrears”, Cent Eur J Oper Res (2017) 25:183-201













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Liu Ke, (2001) ``Supply Chain Management", The Fourth National Youth Conference of Operations Research and Management, Beijing, Oct. 17-20.


Zhang Y. and Liu Ke, (2001) ``Stochastic Inventory Problems with Return Policies", International Workshop on Operations Research--Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, Beijing, China, May 23-26.



Guo X. and Liu Ke, (2000) ``Continuous Time Markov Decision Processes with Average Reward Criterion", The Sixth National Conference of Operations Research Society of China, Changsha, Hunan, China, Oct. 10-15.


H. Yan, Liu Ke and A. Hsu, (1999) ``Optimal Order Quantity in a Dual-Supply Modes with Updated Demand Information", The International Workshop on Markov Processes and Controlled Markov Chains, Changsha, Hunan, China, Aug. 22-28.  


K. K. Lai, Liu Ke and J. Liu, (1999) ``Multiple Period Manpower Resources Planning: Mathematical Model", The International Workshop on Markov Processes and Controlled Markov Chains, Changsha, Hunan, China, Aug. 22-28.  


Liu Ke and H. Yan, (1999) ``Multiple Periods Decision Making with Considerations of Information Updates", The 15th Triennial Conference, IFORS'99 in China, Beijing, Aug. 16-20.  


Liu Ke and H. Yan, (1999) ``Myopic problem for order quantity model with updating forecasts", The Third Conference for Youth OR/MS Researchers in China, Beijing 12-15 Aug..


Xu Ruoning and Liu Ke, (1998) ``On consistency problem of Fuzzy Judgment Matrix", The First Asia-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and Applications, Beijing 18-20 Oct..


Liu Ke, (1997) ``Singularly Perturbed Hybrid System with Weighted Criterion", The 2-nd Conference of Youth Department of ORS of China, Zheng Zhou 26-28 Nov..


Liu Ke, (1995) ``Weighted Discounted Markov Decision Processes with Perturbation", In Proceedings of First International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications, 350-359, Beijing 19-22 Aug..


Liu Ke and Filar, J.A., (1995) ``Weighted Markov Decision Processes with Perturbation", In Proceedings of the 34-th Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, 2269-2276, New Orleans 10-14 Dec..


Zhu W. and Liu Ke, (1995) ``Optimal Load Balancing for Multicomputer Systems", In Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Parallel and Real-time Systems, 193-200, Perth 28-29 Sept..  


Liu D., Liu Ke and Liu J., (1992) ``Semi-Markov Decision Processes - First Passage Models", The 3-rd Conference of OR in China, Cheng Du 11-14 Oct..


Liu Ke and Liu J., (1992) `` Markovian Decision Programming with Vector Valued Average Criterion", The 3-rd Conference of OR in China, Cheng Du 11-14 Oct..  


Liu Ke, (1987) `` Survey of Markov Decision Processes"(Chinese), The 2-nd Conference of Decision Theory and Its Applications in China, Xia Men Oct..



1987-1990 The Grant of Young National Natural Science Foundation           of China, RMB 25,000.

1991-1992 The Research Fellowship of Young Scientist awarded by Chinese Academy of Sciences, US$2500.

1997-1998 The foundation of the Laboratory of Management, Decision and Information System, CAS, RMB 5,000.

1997-1998 The Supporting Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, RMB 30,000.      

1997-1998 The Supporting Foundation of Education Commission of China, RMB 20,000.   

1998-2000 The Grant of The National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 65,000.

1999-2000 The Grant of The Human Resource Commission of China, RMB 30,000.

1999-2000 The special foundation for mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, RMB 20,000.

2000-2002 The Large Grant of The National Nature Science Foundation of China, RMB 250,000.

2003-2005 The Grant of The National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 200,000.

2004-2005 The Grant of Research of a Reliability System for Inspection Policies,  RMB 200,000.

2007-2009 The Grant of The National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 260,000.

2010-2012 The Grant of The National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 250,000.

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